Site icon Limousines Of Connecticut

Can I Choose The Limo I Want For My Winery Tour?

The answer to the question is YES! Limousines Of Connecticut let’s you choose any winery tour limousine you desire for you fun filled day. The question is always asked actually, can I choose the limo I want for my winery tour or do you provide us with your option? It seems strange, but any limousine you need for a winery tour or any event is completely up to you! We want you to enjoy your wine tour in a limousine in Connecticut, if you have questions or concerns, simply call an agent at 203-344-0066 anytime. Representatives are open 24 hours a day and 365 days of the year!

What Kind Of Limo Should I Choose For My Wine Tour?

The options come in many forms for you and your party. You do not have to be limited, instead you have the option of choosing from a large fleet that has CT 10 passenger stretch limousines, 18 Cadillac Escalade and H2 Hummers or even a 25 through 50 passenger party bus! Each limousine comes with its many benefits, including a surround sound system with an iPod/iPhone hookup, big screen TVs, wrap around leather seating and some even have two bars!

The fun times never end in your very own private limousine for your wine tour. A favorite choice among wine connoisseurs is definitely the Cadillac Escalade super stretch limousine in CT. This is limousine has all the right pieces for the puzzle. Things to ask yourself before you choose your winery tour limo.

Can I Choose The Limo I Want For My Winery Tour And Are There Packages?

Don’t be afraid to ask both of these questions while hunting for the right winery tour limousine. Asking questions is very smart and guarantees satisfactory results! Representative are always on call at 203-344-0066 to help answer any questions or to receive any quotes. Yes you can choose and limousine you want and there are packages for the winery tour limousines, ranging from an allotted amount of hours or which wineries you choose to got to. You can ride in a Cadillac Escalade with CT car services or take a cool 24 passenger party bus and bring the party on wheels! Whichever you prefer a Limousines Of Connecticut representative will be happy to help.


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