Tuesday morning John F Kennedy airport TSA was able to successfully detect a loaded gun in a passengers carry on bag through an X-ray machine at one of the airport check points. With the escalated terrorism in the world today, you can never be too safe. Instances like these are sadly happening too often.
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September 7, 2016AlexSpeculations of an active shooter at the famous JFK airport sent air goers to stray in search of cover. These days, the sound of a gun shot is far too familiar although it still sends a frightening scare through our bones. With terrorist attacks becoming far too common, our alert is already […]
August 29, 2016AlexAlways popular with corporate and tourist travel, professional limo services are also finding an influx in services for travelers needing last minute rides, especially during peak travel hours of the day, or those with poor weather conditions. Typically it can be tough for travelers to flag down a taxi during the middle of the day, […]
October 30, 2012Alex