Ever see the Uber commercials that are floating around promising their drivers high earnings? Don’t have a car? No problem! Uber even offers to lease you a car so that you can start earning money right away. But how true are these allegations?
Uber Allegations On The Front Page
Uber has been accused of making […]
January 23, 2017AlexSince the launch of the famous Uber app, we can definitely say that we have noticed transportation companies taking on a huge strain financially and going out business. This has seemed to happen in many of the metropolitan cities around the U.S.
Today’s Taxi Failure
Here is just one of the companies effected by […]
January 26, 2016AlexWith so many TNCs, such as Uber and Lyft popping up lately, you might be wondering “Why a Limo over a Transportation Network Company?”
The major defining characteristic that assimilates the limo and TNC transport industries is obvious; transportation for hire.
Whether you’re looking to have a night out with a bottle of vino […]
October 1, 2015Alex